Meet our experts

Meet the passionate people who work behind the scenes of the Botanic Gardens of Sydney.

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Catherine Wardrop

Catherine Wardrop is a highly skilled Botanical Illustrator based at the National Herbarium of NSW...

Hervé Sauquet

Hervé Sauquet is Head of Plant Discovery and Evolution Research

Lesley Elkan

Lesley Elkan is a talented Botanical Illustrator based at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan.

Margaret Heslewood

Margaret Heslewood is a Project Officer (Plant Molecular) at the Botanic Gardens of Sydney.

Peter Jobson

Peter Jobson is an Information Botanist.

Dr. Richard Jobson

Richard Jobson is a research scientist and systematic botanist based at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney.

Russell Barrett

Russell Barrett is a Senior Research Scientist and Systematic Botanist.

Trevor Wilson

Trevor Wilson is a Systematic Botanist based at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan.